Ok I feel slightly humbled after visiting somebody who commented on my site so I decided to be more welcoming
Im shy ok....
Every one stay for a while go listen to some music over at Myspace although I do only have one tune playing, but its so addictive....... *lol* You'll see
Go see these guys its a brilliant idea
But there is one Rule
NO LURKING .......... Please........ How much does it take to comment and say hi ;(
i had a spread prepared for the blog party but hardly anyone came.
was it the food?
the fact that i barely blog party hopped? (i felt funny)
it feels like rush week for a sorority--which i would know nothing about really, since i never joined one.
no offense about the sorority. its just a fact, this party is a mostly chick affair....hey...i just realized...you are very bright!
i am shy too.
I think you were brilliant. My husband chuckled. I happened upon your site from the blog party and I am glad I visited. happy hunting :)
hey oracle,
when i was posting my comment,
your site asked me twice for a word verification, is all.
you didn't plan it that way?
also, thank you for your support of the hams.
i will be in touch as it gets closer.
Swinging in for the party. Nice to meet ya.
My 3rd party favor give away has started.
Come on over when ya get a chance.
Thanks for the comment, but I will lurk to a degree, see if there's anything good to argue about... :)
Hello! I won't lurk, I'll pop out and say hi!
Hope you've enjoyed the party week and that you have a great day.
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