Friday 25 May 2007

Here is a picture a friend of mine did and gave me for my birthday I cant remember if I have shown you guys before, I really like it makes me smile. An right now I need a smile, I have a really nasty ear infection....

It hurts I am on ear spray and antibiotics and I am going to see the Head Doc about my happy pills today so maybe I'll update you all later today ;)
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utenzi said...

Michele sent me over, Oracle.

I like the artwork but don't understand the words. "We feet it all the night" Oh, well.

I hope you feel better. Ear infections hurt and often affect the balance. Not a good thing.

RC said...

Wow! That's a great painting! Makes me want to draw again!

Sorry to hear about your ear infection, just be happy it's not your toes like my grandma's, because they stink, but I love her!

Hi, Michele sent me!

Right after I posted my comment on Michele's blog, utenzi appeared out of no where, but it didn't change my mind to visit you. Hope you feel better soon, and have a nice weekend!