Friday 22 May 2009

Its thursday an I aint had time

Read the title.......


This weather is confusing as hell an I have a family BBQ to be at at the weekend which the weather better be good for so are you bloody well listening weather I am looking for SUN.....

I am thinking the weekend will start around about lunchtime tomorrow ;)

Yeah, it'll depend on work.

I found out I am totally searchable on T'interweb which I am not sure is a good thing or not so I'll have to give that some time.

My Landlord has served me with a repossesion notice today so I am going to be needing somewhere else to live pretty darn soon.....

So any suggestions would be appreciated, I am looking for a private landlord unfurnished with a garden and two bedrooms (one bedroom would be fine but it would need to be a big one)

L Out
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Depending on weather? That sounds bad!

NetChick sent me here.