I think, I have mild issues and this is my place to rant them out and deal with them at my own pace and in my own special way ;) Your all welcome to read and I cant guarantee it will make sense or even be relevant but I am hoping that through the wonders of self expression and some mediocre creativeness Its going to at least shed some light on the dark ;)
Thursday, 16 December 2010
I'm on the radio
I've been on for about three weeks now and I am really enjoying it I've had some great guests we are running a photo competition at the moment
Being on Redshift Radio really has been helping me with my stability I have been alot more settled since I started the show and having the show to prep for and look forward to is something away from work which is obviously good for me.
Get on Redshift and have a listen :)
I have also started playing more and more on my Wii recently which I know is really chilling me out.
Christmas is coming, we are all going for an Italian for christmas dinner and I'm really looking forward to it, I have Smeg booked into Kandahar cattery for 12 days as from boxing day Im off up to Scotland for 10 days for my first proper break in too long.
I'll be back to at least wish you all a very festive seasons greetings
L out
Friday, 10 December 2010
Inspirations, writing and my bloody memory
We've never actually met but I would consider this person a cyber friend she has been in touch with me on or off for over 4 years I have followed her blog as she has been through some very difficult times.
It is safe to say this person inspires me, she is now with her husband starting out on journey that will make for hard time good times fun times and many, many memories for her and her family.
Why am I writing this post?
Well from the bottom of my heart I wanted to wish them all the best may the gods be with them and keep them safe well and happy
L out
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Over Thinking
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Saturday, 13 November 2010
Lee Brookes
Beacon for Business
01260 274038
Monday, 1 November 2010
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Thought for the day
Thought for the day
Friday, 15 October 2010
Stanley Head
I'm currently sitting with a group of people trying to explain to Twitter to each other and dogging has come up and most of them are Drunk
I'm canoeing tomorrow and wall climbing and archery on Sunday
Its all getting complicated
Speak to you Later
L out
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Thursday, 14 October 2010
I had the most awesome day today.
Let's start with the fact that I'm on slimming world and last week I lost six and a half pounds this week I think I'm doing well too and I'm eating good food :) on a diet Yaaay
We at www.beacon4business.co.uk or @beacon4business had a demo at client today that went exceedingly well and the I was invited onto the Red Shift Radio (www.redshiftradio.co.uk) to talk to Liz and two female entrepeneurs for two hours which was great fun. You can listen to that show repeated this sunday on their website :)
I had that much fun they invited me back to talk on their tweet up show later that evening which was awesome fun. So log on to www.redshiftradio.co.uk and Listen you could help them by following them on Twitter and liking their facebook page.
I have a Networking meeting in the morning and I'm seeing my Shrink after that then I'm going on an adventure weekend which I'm looking forward to stay in touch
L out
Lee Brookes
Beacon for Business
01260 274038
Sunday, 3 October 2010
From Frank & Jane
If you accept to assist us in being our new beneficiary then get back to me as soon as possible to enable me furnish you with the contact details of the courier agent in United States so you can personally contact him and forward your address to him for immediate delivery of our consignment to you.
We await your urgent response.
Thanks and God bless you
Frank & Jane Kibaki.
Oracle added you as a friend on APSense...
APSense.com | ||
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Thought for the day
Spiritual awareness (soul-consciousness) is cultivated through deliberate practice and only those who have understood the need for this kind of true, inner, self-respect will make the effort. Difficulties will arise to test your resolve for self-upliftment - physical illness, relationships, memories of the past, and so on. Yet with patience and introspection, you will come to see how these very tests are the means to strengthen your spiritual identity.
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Friday, 17 September 2010
Thought for the day
Think No Evil |
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Your Vision
Increase their self value by letting your vision be drawn to the diamonds (their specialities), rather than any stones (their defects).
Take a gentle encouraging approach and never give up on anyone.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Ok I need a hobby.
I am doing my first stint of volunteering today at our local Disability Information Bureau and I'm looking forward to that which is good :).
I'm sure we'll speak soon
L out
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Friday, 27 August 2010
Oracle has invited you to join APSense
It's been a pleasure working with you.
As a small business I believe in working with the best!
Your expertise and exceptional service is one to model by.
I'd like to personally invite you to my business social
network for future business proposals.
The invitation link is:
I'm looking forward in hearing from you!
Best Regards,
Wednesday, 25 August 2010
Been a blue day
Spent most of the day in bed, its been a long time since I had one of these. I just slept it off.
I'm gonna eat my way out of it which is not the answer but its a short term fix.
L out
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Thursday, 19 August 2010
Peace, love and happiness
(Via thought of the day)
L out
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Monday, 16 August 2010
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Sunday, 15 August 2010
Message that made me smile
I had the nicest of tweets from @missbritt today.
This got me to thinking I haven't been spending any time on here of late I have been burying myself In work.
On speaking to my appointed welfare officer from the social services I have a plan in place to get myself back on track which appears to be working.
This has me doing a few more things I enjoy for instance I went to the cinema on Friday night to see Night and Day which wasn't as good as I was hoping it was going to be the odd funny scene but dotted with not so funny bits.
Yesterday I went for a walk up a local landmark with my brother for 5 hours which was fun I came back with everything hurting but it was fun :) Then when we got back I cooked a ragu with some fresh egg pasta and parmesan, Mmmm.
Today I popped into the office to pick up a machine and I get a phone call off my youngest brother... "Lee can you come get me and phone the RAC my car has broken down".
That pretty much ran my Sunday fortunately the garage where he had broken down had a Subway and once the RAC turned up and did their awesome job my bro brought my Lunch and I came home.
I now have some bread cooking, some washing on and the dishwasher is mid cycle wow my life has got exciting
At least the cycles have slowed up or it seems like they have :)
Its all about balance it seems
So be good and if you can't be good be careful and if you can't be careful pay cash!
L Out
Sunday, 9 May 2010
I think your reading this
I had a visit on Friday at my current office from the company you have most recently employed I impressed you must have looked under a pretty scabby rock for them...
None the less I reported them to the OFT for ALL of the breaches of their regularity guidelines and I wont be seeing them again!
Or why don't you give up cus your being completely ridiculous with the information fairy tales are you into now?
Good luck
Sunday, 2 May 2010
New member of the Brookes House hold
My biz partners mother in law found a cat who had recently given birth with her Kittens in her garden. I was hence forth convinced to adopt the mommy ("Holly")
She arrived fresh from the Vets yesterday after having her 'op' (poor madam)
We made her comfortable in my library with her own 'blankie' her own litter and her own food and water and left her to her own devices to calm down.
I went to check on her a few hours later and she had dissapeared !!!
The cupboard door was open so obviously she was in the cupboard I went to look and oh dear I had forgotten the floorboards are up because of the dodgy heating issue.
So I spent a couple of hours trying to coax her out. She wouldn't come out so I left her be.
I woke up this am at 6 went in to check on her she had been out knocked some things of the shelves eaten some food and use her litter tray so I freshened everything up and again left her to it.
I'm just glad she is ok. Piece by piece I'm sure she will come out and settle down. But for now we really do have a new cat in the "house"
L out
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Monday, 18 January 2010
New blog
So anyone interested come on over
Its possibly going to be a bumpy ride but almost everyone is welcome
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