Saturday, 7 April 2007

Easter Saturday – (Rock Moving Saturday)

Does anyone know or can anyone tell me what today is called we have Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Mourning Monday ? Does Saturday have a name or is it all alone cast aside ? As you may or may not be able to tell I am not particularly religious I am not as ignorant as I sometimes portray and I do appreciate and respect peoples beliefs and other Religions but this has had me pondering today ?

Minor update on todays chaos / Farce I still haven't found my tickets but in the great tradition that is of giving chocolate on Easter I have been given a Yorkie Easter Egg (can you say Mmmmmm) and a bottle of Jack Daniels……

Don't ask……

I am currently off the drink to lose some weight (very successful dieting process, if anyones interested I lost 5 Stone ;) ) but a whole bottle of Jack Daniels……

Will power, will power, will power…….


I have none ;(


Jean-Luc Picard said...

As far as I know, it's Easter Saturday, as tomorrow is Easter Sunday.

Michele sent me here.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Oh, it's me again from Michele! Sorry about that!

kenju said...

If you find that out, I'd like to know why Thursday is called Maundy Thursday.

Happy Easter!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oracle my dear....I believe it is called Holy Saturday....And this, from me, a Jew! (lol)...But I think that is correct. You should Google it.
Thabks for the visit abd your words about Easter....I love the Easter Season because it is Spring and it is new growth and rebirth in nature, as well as Pastel Colors!

Good for you, losing that weight.
I am so addicted to chocolate I cannot stop eating it!!! Not Good!
I need to lose weight and I just don't have the true motivation, yet....
Good Luck with the Jack Daniels...!

And A Very Happy Easter to you!

Bobkat said...

I don't know about you but I can hold out as long as something remains unopened. As soon as the seal is broken then it becomes more difficult!

Good luck with the will power thing and congratulations on the weight loss.

Michele sent me to say hi this time :-)

Anonymous said...

I haven't a clue. I'm not religious either. Enjoy your Easter egg. I only wish I could have one! I could drink the JD though :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know this one. I'm still traumatized by the big chocolate egg my mother hid in the washing machine and I couldn't find! Michele says hi.